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This is the second book in the 'no problem!' series. As before, the 50 original problems have been designed to interest and challenge any young mathematician. Once again, the presentation is colourful and engaging. Questions we've most commonly been asked in relation to 'no problem! book 1' are answered fully in an initial FAQs section. As before, the answers section of the book gives clear and helpful explanations, often outlining more than one approach to the given problem. 


The 50 problems are on separate pages, making things easy for teachers who wish to email them to pupils eg for homework / prep or for distance learning. The format is designed for ease of use with desktop computer, laptop, ipad or smart board. And to help teachers or parents who wish to set the problems without giving immediate access to the answers, 'no problem! book 2' is supplied here both as a whole book and also as separate 'problem' and 'answer' books.


These problems were originally designed to challenge and extend able pupils in the yr6 – yr8 age group. They have been well tried and tested in the classroom and by home learners. The response to the first 'no problem' book has been overwhelmingly positive; the fact that all the problems could be tackled without using algebra was seen as particularly welcome.


As with book 1, this book aims to help pupils develop imagination and confidence in problem-solving – and a willingness to tackle the new and the unfamiliar.

no problem! book 2

  • 'no problem! book 2' is supplied as a downloadable 19.6 MB zip file containing pdfs of the book as a whole and of the book as separate problem and answer sections.

    The format of the book is A4 landscape – so that all pages are easily viewed on laptop or desktop computer,  iPad or smart board.

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